The difference between winners and losers is inches. I see it again and again in my job as a strength and conditioning coach. The athlete that excels is one that can get just an inch closer to his goal, or an inch higher than the other guy.
This is really true in basketball, where the difference between being a star and a benchwarmer can come down to the ability to leap a couple of extra inches. With my clients, I always, always try to maximize their vertical leap. This change alone as probably lead to more points being scored than any other one thing you can do.
This is the best program I have found to help you jump higher and win more games.
The odds are good that even if you have a 36 inch vertical, you could still add inches to your jump. This will lead to more shots, more points scored, and maybe even more dunks, which are always fun.
I'd love to say that I have the best jump training method around, but I don't. Someone already beat me to it. But this is the training method I recommend to all my strength and conditioning clients, because there's not a damn thing I can do to improve it. Have a look at what some people who've used it have to say about it:
and this:
There are a couple of reasons I like this program a lot. Actually, there are a ton of reasons, but I'm just going to talk about a couple
1. It gives you alternatives for when you can't get to the weight room. Now, I'd prefer if my clients never missed a training session with the weights, but the real world doesn't allow that. But this program allows you to do your work at home, or even on vacation, so you have the consistency needed for real gains.
2. The approach is multidimensional. Most of my athletes, if they have done ANY kind of jump training, have only done some plyo work. The Jump Manual takes the same kind of approach I do, emphasisizing all aspects of training working together to get you going higher.
3. It's exact, which means I can give to my athletes to follow and it will tell them what to do each day without me having to explain everything to them. If you're training on your own, this is stupid important.
4. Actually, that last one reminds me - I don't have my athletes use it, but the program does come with a free month of one on one online coaching. Given the quality of the program in general, this is pretty cool for people who can't afford to hire someone like me.
My clients pay me to help them win, so I looked a lot of crappy programs before I found the Jump Manual, and none of them got the kind of results this program got. If you're serious about your game, then I can't recommend this program enough.
Click here now if you want to jump higher now!
Good Luck!